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The most important functions at a glance 

All tasks in Shop Floor Management -
digitally supported with the functions of ValueStreamer®.

Why Valuestreamer®?

ValueStreamer® as a leadership tool supports the continuous improvement of processes and the optimization of collaboration.


Optimize processes in all areas of your business with digital Shop Floor Management. Learn more about the use cases.

Better overview, processes, teams with Shop Floor Dashboards

More transparency through digital visualization with ValueStreamer®.


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All relevant information right where you need it

With ValueStreamer®'s digital Shop Floor Dashboards, you create more transparency and optimize collaboration - across divisions, functions, and locations.

With automation, digital data visualization, and networked boards, the dashboards enable you to capture, manage, and visualize data effortlessly. All stakeholders are informed quickly and efficiently - right where they are, on the Shop Floor or in the office.

Optimize communication as well as collaboration and thereby increase performance sustainably - with the dashboards of ValueStreamer®s digital Shop Floor Board.

em Dashboard visualisieren.

Large screen shows team board of digital Shop Floor Management system ValueStreamer

Benefit from the ValueStreamer® Shop Floor Dashboards 

Your most important advantages at a glance.

Man standing with tablet in production


Save time and money with ValueStreamer®'s clear and intuitive boards. The software is easy to use, no long training period is required.


Use dashboards to support daily recurring communication, effortlessly share data and manage teams across departments and locations.


Uncover discrepancies, track critical errors at any time – all data is available at a moment's notice, from any location.

Overview of relevant information

The clear visualization of key figures, deviations or process progress enables everyone involved to effortlessly grasp the current situation, keep an eye on it and react quickly as well as effectively if necessary.


Interrelated workflows 

Information as well as boards are linked and integrated into the digital Shop Floor workflow – creating coherent processes that are permanently traceable.


Visualize data, provide useful information

With digital Shop Floor Dashboards


Making informed decisions, continuously optimizing processes, increasing productivity, leading teams efficiently – this is only possible if meaningful data is available and easily accessible.

The ever-increasing number of people, machines and tools that are part of work processes make it difficult to continuously collect, evaluate and clearly prepare data and to collaborate efficiently.

ValueStreamer® supports you in managing your data volumes, making them manageable and communicating them in a targeted manner.

This way, you maintain an overview of your area and benefit from more efficient collaboration.


Free Consultation

Woman stands next to large screen and presents key figures on digital Shop Floor dashboard.


Design your Shop Floor Dashboard! 

The views of the digital boards are individually configurable and scalable.

This makes it easier for you to standardize Shop Floor Management across your company in a comparable way - across locations and divisions.

Among others, configuration of the following elements is possible:

  • Key figures

  • List elements

  • Authorizations

  • Teams

  • Process boards

  • Task boards

Overview of ValueStreamer's configurable team board with KPI cockpit


Automated Information Processing

  • Once data such as key figures have been entered, they are automatically aggregated along the team cascade and are immediately available to all participants

  • The REST API interface allows you to automatically import values from existing systems such as ERP or MES at any time

KPI cockpit with production key figures in the form of a bar chart


Efficient Collaboration

Manage dependencies between teams and departments effortlessly - 100% transparency with only one click.

  • Link different dashboards together and cascade them with the cascade navigator

  • Get an overview of relevant information with just a few clicks - right down to the team level - and find out what is happening there in real time

  • Connect processes across departments and locations 

Visualization of dependencies with the cascade navigator.
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Data integration

Integrate with tools you already use. For instance:

Forcam Logo SAP Logo MPDV Logo

The appropriate dashboard for every situation


Teamboard (SQCDP-Board)


The team board (SQCDP board) gives you an overview of all team-relevant information – at the point of value creation.

The clear visualization enables a quick response and supports all participants in their activities.

  • Define column views individually (e.g., safety, quality, costs, etc.)

  • Create team-specific lists and KPIs based on existing templates.

Visualisierung des persönlichen Dashboards.


Personal dashboards provide all stakeholders with the data relevant to them – at a glance.

It gives everyone an overview of their open activities from the processes, tasks or measures involved.

This improves self-management and enables quick decision-making based on up-to-date information.

The need for coordination is reduced, priority setting is facilitated, and collaboration becomes more efficient.

Prozessboard im Kanban-Stil

With the process and Kanban boards, you are able to visualize and control all company processes effortlessly.

You always have an overview of relevant process tasks of different projects as well as the process progress in real time.

Process Controlling



With the task board, you visualize relevant workflows and tasks on Kanban-style dashboards.

Record and manage work tasks centrally, fine-tune upcoming requirements and actively manage resource utilization.


Task Management


„We now have the possibility to inform ourselves about the status of production at any time and from anywhere. To detect deviations at an early stage and react accordingly.

Jens Priebe
Siemens Healthineers


Other features

... that make your day-to-day business easier.

Data entry

Decide for yourself whether data such as key figure values are read in manually or automatically via API interface.

List editor

Create dynamic lists such as Shop Floor reports, shift transfers or inventory lists – with just a few clicks.

Cascade navigator

Navigate along the cascade – top-down or bottom-up.

Information aggregation

Benefit from automatically aggregated KPI values and cascading actions to solve problems.

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USE CASE: Digital Shop floor Management in ProduCtion

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Find out in our blog post which are the 6 leadership tasks in SFM that support effective shopfloor management practice.

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Take advantage of ValueStreamer®'s
Shop Floor Dashboards!


Learn how visualization, automation, and networked dashboards can improve your processes and collaboration: 

Fill out the form and click “Submit” – we'll contact you for a non-binding, 30-minute consultation.

Frequently asked questions